Freelance Illustrator | Graphic Designer
Anchorage, AK
Other Works

I'm Hevendemo, a freelance illustrator born in the Philippines, raised in Japan, and currently living in the United States. I'm a huge fan of mixing beauty with horror to create a juxtaposition in tone and storytelling while implementing the aesthetics of the countries I hail from. My favorite color is anything you can see through, and born with the condition that has me see rainbow static everywhere. It's made itself into my artwork. It doesn't feel right without it!I'm pursuing my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with an Emphasis on Illustration and working as a Manager for Graphics and Publicity Services at UAA. My dream is to capture tales from around the world and give them a visual outlet to give life and preserve them after we pass. I work with digital media, ink, watercolor, charcoal, gouache, and resin.Making illustrations, from little doodles to character sheets and full-blown comics, are what I enjoy! I strive to encapsulate stories of all kinds into my work through thoughtful design and narratives; I also make graphics for social media, logos, and merchandise.For details and quotes for my commissions and contract work, don't hesitate to contact me using the links provided below.
© Hevendemo LLC. All rights reserved.